Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hamlet Act 1 Summary, Scene by Scene

'Hamlet' Act 1 Summary, Scene by Scene This Act 1 summary of Shakespeares Hamlet sets the stage with the characters, setting, plot, and tone of this five-act tragedy. The play opens on the ramparts of Elsinore Castle in Denmark during a changing of the guard. The old king, Hamlets father, has died. The kings brother Claudius has replaced him, stealing Hamlets rightful place on the throne. He has already married Hamlets mother. The previous two nights, the guards had seen a silent ghost resembling Hamlets dead father. They ask Hamlets friend Horatio to watch on the third night, and he sees the ghost. Horatio convinces Hamlet to watch the next night. Hamlet confronts his fathers ghost, who tells him that Claudius murdered him. The dreary tone and harsh setting contrasting with the revelry within the castle foretell of the tragedy that is to come. Act 1, Scene 1 Summary On a bleak, frigid night, the guards Francisco and Bernardo tell Horatio, a friend of Hamlet, about the ghost they had seen that resembles Hamlets father. They convince Horatio to join them and attempt to talk with the ghost if it reappears. Horatio scoffs at the talk of a ghost but agrees to wait. As they begin describing what they saw, the ghost appears. Horatio cant get it to speak but promises to tell Hamlet about the specter. The darkness and cold, coupled with the apparition, set a dire tone of calamity and dread for the remainder of the play. Act 1, Scene 2 The scene opens in contrast to the previous one, as King Claudius celebrates his recent wedding to Gertrude in a bright, joyous castle room surrounded by courtiers. A brooding Hamlet sits outside the action. It is two months since his fathers death, and his widow has already married his brother. The king discusses a possible war and agrees to let Laertes, son of the kings lord chamberlain (Polonius), leave the court and return to school. Recognizing that Hamlet is upset, he tries to make amends, urging Hamlet to abandon mourning and stay in Denmark instead of returning to school. Hamlet agrees to stay. Everyone but Hamlet leaves. He delivers a soliloquy expressing his anger, depression, and disgust for what he considers incest between the new king and his mother. The guards and Horatio enter and tell Hamlet about the ghost. He agrees to join them that night to watch for another appearance. When Claudius scolds Hamlet for his continued mourning, referring to his stubbornness and unmanly grief, Shakespeare sets him up as an antagonist to Hamlet, who is unmoved by the kings words. The kings criticism of Hamlet (A heart unfortified, a mind impatient, An understanding simple and unschooled) implies that he believes Hamlet is unprepared to be king and is attempting to justify his usurpation of the throne. Act 1, Scene 3 Laertes says goodbye to his sister, Ophelia, whom we learn has been seeing Hamlet. He warns her that Hamlet, still in line to be king, will always put the kingdom before her. Polonius enters and lectures his son on how to conduct himself at school, advising him to treat his friends well, listen more than talk, dress well but not too well, avoid lending money and to thine own self be true. Then he, too, warns Ophelia about Hamlet. She promises not to see him. Polonius advice to Laertes seems rote, relying on aphorisms regarding appearances rather than offering honest advice to a son. With Ophelia, he is more concerned that she bring honor and wealth to the family than about her own desires. Ophelia, as an obedient daughter of the time, agrees to spurn Hamlet. Polonius treatment of his children continues a theme of generational conflict. Act 1, Scene 4 That night, Hamlet, Horatio, and Marcellus, one of the guards who had seen the ghost, wait outside on another cold night. The miserable weather is juxtaposed again with revelry from the castle, which Hamlet criticizes as excessive and damaging to Danes reputation for drunkenness. The ghost appears and beckons Hamlet. Marcellus and Horatio try to prevent him from following, agreeing with Hamlet that it might bring airs from heaven or blasts from hell. Hamlet breaks free and follows the ghost. His accomplices follow him. This scene contrasts Hamlets father, the good king, with Claudius as a drunken reveler and adulterer, and plays on the conflict between image and reality. Claudius appears more suspicious and foreboding than a ghost. Act 1, Scene 5 The ghost tells Hamlet that he is Hamlets father and was murdered by Claudius, who put poison in the napping kings ear. The ghost asks Hamlet to revenge his most foul, strange, and unnatural murder, and Hamlet agrees without hesitation. The ghost also tells Hamlet that his mother was adulterous with Claudius before the old king died. He makes Hamlet promise  that he wont seek revenge on his mother but let her be judged by God. As dawn breaks, the ghost leaves. Hamlet swears he will do what the ghost asks and avenge his fathers murder. Horatio and Marcellus find him, and Hamlet asks them to swear not to reveal anything of the ghost. When they hesitate, the ghost calls from below, demanding they swear. They do. Hamlet warns them that he will pretend to be crazy until he can exact vengeance. The old kings murder creates sympathy for the ghost rather than fear or revulsion, and his mothers adultery tips the scales against her. Hamlet has no choice but to kill the new king, establishing a conflict between his sense of honor and his Christian faith. Key Takeaways Act 1 establishes these plot points: The new king, Hamlets uncle, murdered Hamlets father.His fathers ghost appears to him to describe the murder and charge Hamlet with seeking revenge.Hamlets mother committed adultery with Claudius before her husbands death and married Claudius with unseemly haste.The ghost says Hamlet should let God punish his mother.Hamlet will pretend to be crazy while he exacts vengeance. Act 1 establishes these tones and themes: A sense of dread and tragedy is almost palpable.A conflict between honor and morality is established.Another conflict between appearance and reality.The antagonism between Claudius and Hamlet is part of a generational conflict reflected in Polonius and his children. Sources Hamlet. Hudson Shakespeare Company. Stockton, Carla Lynn. Summary and Analysis Act I: Scene 1. Cliffs Notes, August 13, 2019. Summary of the Play. The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX.

Bubble-ology essays

Bubble-ology essays Purpose: Which soap can make the biggest bubble? Hypothesis: If we use dawn soap and blow a bubble then it will be the biggest one out of all the soap. 3 different brands of dish washing soap- A, B, C 1. Mix 5ml soap solution A, 50ml of distilled water and 1 drop of glycerin into a 250ml beaker. Mix with a stirring rod. 2. Pour some but not all the soap solution on your lab table and use your hands to rub the soap on the table about 40 cm in diameter. 3. Take a straw and touch a small bubble on the surface and blow into the straw until the bubble pops. 4. With the tape measure the diameter of the ring that was left by the soap bubble. Record the diameter in cm on data sheet. 5. Repeat until you have done 3 trials. 6. Repeat the process for soap solution B and C. Repeat steps 1-5. 1. State what you think is the scientific problem being investigated in lab. The scientific problem being investigated in this lab I think is which soap can make the biggest bubble. 2. According to the data, which soap brand made the largest average bubble? Were your predictions correct? In my data it showed that the Ivory soap brand made the largest average bubble. My predictions were incorrect. 3. What conclusions can you make about the price of the soap and the size of the bubbles? What is the basis for your conclusions? Is there any correlation? I dont know how much each soap brand cost but I think that the more expensive the more larger the bubbles will be because the companies probably spend more money for ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Ways to Avoid The Stress of Social Media Overload - BestEssay.Education

5 Ways to Avoid The Stress of Social Media Overload 5 Ways to Avoid The Stress of Social Media Overload Study...previous generation that supposedly loved each other more and did a better job of having relationships with one another because they didnt have Facebook/Smart phones or that crazy rock and roll music... Let's be honest, you are on social media all of the time. That is not going to change. You've seen all of the memes and Facebook posts lamenting some previous generation that supposedly loved each other more and did a better job of having relationships with one another because they didn't have Facebook/Smart phones or that crazy rock and roll music, and you've rolled your eyes along with the rest of us. This doesn't mean that social media involvement doesn't come with a potential cost. Social media overload can cause stress, sleeplessness, and it can cause you to change your online behaviors in certain ways. One way that this happens is that you become too eager to receive likes and shares on your social media posts, especially those that highlight your physical attributes. Social media overload can also impact relationships and grades. This is too bad, because social media can be such a positive part of life where we can connect with people, play games, and share our stories and pho tographs. It is sad that it turns into such a negative for some people. Fortunately, there are 5 ways to avoid the stress and other negative impacts of social media overload. 1. Cut Out The Toxic People and Conflicts Poisoning Your Feed Nobody is perfect. However, there are people and entities on your social media feed who contribute nothing but negativity. Remember that there is a difference between somebody who adds a bit of naughty, gossipy fun to your news feed, and somebody who just starts trouble and seeks attention. The difficult part of this process is that you may end up cutting off people you truly care about. Just remember that you have intermediate options such as hiding somebody from your wall temporarily. This gives you reprieve from negativity while still leaving the opportunity for continuing friendships open. 2. Shut Off Your Notifications on Your Smart Phone There is absolutely no need to interrupt some activity of yours to pay heed to some social media message. What could create more social media overload than being tethered to your social media account. If you do this, you also take yourself away from temporary social media drama. It will also be amazingly freeing once you become the one who is in control of when and how you receive notifications. Give it a try for 24 hours and you will be amazed at how much happier you are. 3. Take Quiet Breaks From Social Media When You Need to Disengage You've heard it before. Step back. Don't engage. Take a break. You should follow this advice. Social media breaks are a great way to focus on other things, take yourself away from drama, and rethink   your social media presence. If you do decide to take a break, please consider doing so quietly. If you are tempted to leave social media in the midst of a conflict, and feel the need to announce it publicly, the result will be the creation of more drama. 4. Outside Every Single Day A brief foray into nature could be just what you need to understand and put the pressures of social media into proper perspective. Whatever you do, you will come back to your desktop with a renewed sense of interest and a fresh perspective. Do this on a regular basis, and you will become almost immune to the effects of social media overload. You will also establish a pattern with other social media users that you can and will leave social media when it interferes with your daily activities. 5. Make Human Contact a Daily Priority There is nothing like real life, human contact to offset the impact of social media overload. It serves as a great reminder that there are human beings behind screen names, and that there is often more going on in people's lives than what they present on social media. Also, no matter how much contact we have with people through social media, we still need real life interaction with one another. These are just 5 possible suggestions to help you keep social media from becoming too important of a presence in your life. You can probably think of several other strategies in addition to these. The point in general is that social media is a great thing, but it can become too important. It can also be a medium for toxicity and nastiness if you allow it to become that. What do you think? Have you struggled with problems caused by social media overload? How did you handle the situation, and what advice would you give to others? Which items would you add or remove from our list? Leave a comment to let us know, or drop us a line. We are always interested in hearing what you think.

Class Actinopterygii Facts and Examples

Class Actinopterygii Facts and Examples The group of ray-finned fishes (Class Actinopterygii) encompasses over 20,000 species of fish that have rays, or spines, in their fins. This separates them from the lobe-finned fishes (Class Sarcopterygii, e.g., the lungfish and coelacanth), which have fleshy fins. Ray-finned fishes make up about half of all known vertebrate species. This group of fish is very diverse, so species come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. The ray-finned fishes include some of the most well-known fish, including tuna, cod, and even seahorses. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: Actinopterygii Feeding Ray-finned fishes have a wide variety of feeding strategies. One interesting technique is that of the anglerfish, which entice their prey toward them using a movable (sometimes light-emitting) spine that is above the fishs eyes. Some fish, such as the bluefin tuna, are excellent predators, speedily capturing their prey as they swim through the water. Habitat and Distribution Ray-finned fishes live in a wide variety of habitats, including the deep sea, tropical reefs, polar regions, lakes, rivers, ponds and desert springs. Reproduction Ray-finned fishes may lay eggs or bear live young, depending on the species. African cichlids actually keep their eggs and protect the young in their mouth. Some, like seahorses, have elaborate courtship rituals. Conservation and Human Uses Ray-finned fishes have long been sought for human consumption, with some species considered overfished. In addition to commercial fishing, many species are recreationally fished. They are also used in aquariums. Threats to ray-finned fishes include overexploitation, habitat destruction, and pollution.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss the different levels of irony in the story Essay

Discuss the different levels of irony in the story - Essay Example It is his journey from stardom to decline. However, A Hunger Artist is not only about changing trends of society, but, actually, it portrays various tabooed issues with its ironic theme, hidden symbols, and metaphors. Irony is a dominating aspect to this story, and its different levels are evident throughout the narrative. This paper is an attempt to understand the hidden irony, and allegory in A Hunger Artist. Irony could be understood as the conceptual contrast between outwardly appearance and the actuality behind personal motives, experiences, and situations of life (Colebrook 5). Irony has different levels: it could be verbal, situational, and dramatic. In a story, irony should be assessed on both personal and communal grounds. Presence of verbal irony in this tale is evident by the hurtful dialogues directed towards the artist. Kafka has very clearly expressed the suspicion, public indifference and dejection experienced by the artist through the narrative. The artist is compared to an animal at several occasions, and by the end of the story, his cage is habited by a panther which is not only insulting, but also ironic to a much greater extent. The quote â€Å"Starvation artist might respond with an outbreak of rage and, to everyone's horror, begin to rattle the bars of his cage like an animal† proves this point (Kafka 61). ... The verbal irony worsens in the last part, where the artist dies due to the unjustified ignorance from his employers but says, â€Å"And forgive me, all of you† (Give It Up! And Other Short Stories 33). This is not just absurd but also ironic because the artist is the receiver of cruelty, negligence, and indifference from the world, but he is asking others to forgive him for his sins. However, this has a lesson which Kafka has conveyed to the reader through a conversation between the artist and the overseer. The artist says, â€Å"I always wanted you to admire my fasting, but you shouldn't admire it† (Give It Up! And Other Short Stories 33). In this story, hunger is used as an element of irony, depicting constraint, isolation, and self-denial which, when imposed, crushes a person spiritually and physically. That is why Kafka clearly stated that such an act must not be admired. Situational irony occurs at numerous points in A Hunger Artist. The aspect that the artist has acknowledged his fading art is an example of situational irony. "In recent decades interest in hunger artists has greatly diminished" (Kafka 56). It is true that entertainment is necessary, but allowing such an odious act for enjoyment sake, and then suddenly rejecting it shows the society’s disrespect for art. The manner in which fasting act was conducted provides sufficient evidence for situational irony. The artist was confined in a cage, and guards kept a constant check on him. â€Å"There were also permanent watchmen, usually butchers – whose job it was, always three at a time, to watch the starvation artist day and night† (Kafka 57). Such a situation is ironic because it depicts the indifferent attitude of the public and employers towards a

ITPM Best Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ITPM Best Practices - Essay Example ITPM best practice of moving incrementally, that is, starting with the smaller spending categories significantly improves the return on investments. Implementing ITPM as a part of a large IT governance program improves the value of IT investments in an organization. The ITPM process is the same but the approach may differ depending on the type of business and the priorities set for the overall goals within the organization. For example, ITPM approach in a manufacturing company differs from the approach in a corporate environment. Manufacturing industries projects are not aligned with the resources that they implement or allocate for their areas since many products are wasted and during manufacture, and there is a high-turnover rate of employment that leads to reduced productivity (Best Practices in IT Portfolio Management, n.d). Terminating the risk, Avoidance - It is considered as the best strategy and thus more effort should be invested in investigating it wherever possible. Avoidance or elimination requires that a task or project is not done in the future. It also means that a process or work is redesigned so as to avoid the risky step. Transferring the risk, Transfer - In the transfer, another party is caused to accept the risk through contracting or hedging. An example of risk transfer is the insurance that uses contracts. Also, fund managers or brokerage firms use hedging to manage financial risks. Treating the risk, Mitigation - It involves reducing the impact of a particular risk. The approach is considered when the risk is not avoidable or transferable, and thus, the strategy is expected to keep the loss or damage at acceptable levels. Best Practices in IT Portfolio Management: MIT Sloan Management Review. (n.d.). MIT Sloan Management Review RSS. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technical Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Technical Writing - Essay Example It is threaded to attach to the housing and has a  ¼Ã¢â‚¬  hole in its center to slide over the shaft. A 1/8 inch hole in the side of the cap allows air to enter the housing. The toe plate, fitted to the barrel, allows the user to stand on it while operating the pump. The plunger consists of a rod, handle, and diaphragm. The rod is  ¼Ã¢â‚¬  x 16  ½Ã¢â‚¬  long and threaded at both ends. It has a 6† wooden handle, threaded onto its top. The diaphragm, a leather washer, is secured to the lower end of the rod by two  ¼Ã¢â‚¬  nuts on either side. The 18† hose screws into the barrel housing. The locking clamp nozzle is inserted into the hose end and is secured with a 1/8† metal band. The thumb chuck facilitates quick release for regular and high-pressure use. The user can clamp the hose nozzle onto the filler stem of the utility to be inflated, stand on the toe plate, and pump the plunger. If the item to be inflated is a ball or raft, the operator has to first insert the filler needle into the nozzle clamp, moisten the needle and insert it into the navel of the ball or raft. Then, standing on the toe plate, he or she can pump the plunger up and

Tax systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Tax systems - Essay Example Indirect taxation leads to income effect. Income effect occurs when people find that they have surplus money and therefore their demand for goods and services increase. In case of no tax levied people after earning certain amount of income will start preferring leisure over work. Since indirect taxation increases the prices of goods and services people will have to work harder to keep up their standard of living and will have to earn more income to buy the same â€Å"basket† of goods that they were buying before and this will lead to more working hours in the economy. In this case, increase in taxation would result in increase in incentives for people to work hard and to expend more effort.ii) Regressive Taxation system is one where rich people pay lesser proportion of their income as tax than the poorer people. For example, a flat tax of $5 would make a higher proportion for someone earning $100/month than someone earning $200/month. For someone earning $100/month it would be 5%, whereas for the other guy it would be 2.5%. This kind of tax system is normally regressive and usually indirect taxation is regressive. On the other hand progressive system is one where rich people pay higher tax than the poor people. Income tax is usually progressive as it takes into account the income of people. Regressive taxation can be an incentive for people to work hard and earn more money, whereas as progressive systems can be a disincentiveSince regressive system leads to same amount of tax in absolute terms for both rich and poor., any additional work or money earned by poor people would reduce their proportion of income as tax. This makes people work harder to nullify the effects of regressive tax. For example, if someone is earning $100 and he knows that he will have to pay $5 in taxes every time irrespective of his income. He would try to increase his income to $105 to nullify the effects of the tax. This increase in income for $100 to $105 will increase his dispos able income after tax from $95 to $100. The person by earning more would be $5 richer. Hence, regressive tax system encourages increase in effort. People work harder to increase their disposable income to improve their standard of living. Progressive system can be a disincentive to work harder. Since, progressive tax increases with the additional income earned, many people would be put off from working harder as they will think that any increase in

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Black Cat and The Tell-tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe Essay Example for Free

The Black Cat and The Tell-tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe Essay Compare the two nineteenth century horror stories The Black Cat and The Tell-tale heart by Edgar Allan Poe, showing how Poe uses a range of techniques to make his stories dramatic and effective. Edgar Allan Poe was an American author who wrote The Black Cat and The Tell-tale Heart. The Black Cat written in 1845 depicts a supposedly animal loving man who becomes addicted to alcohol which eventually gets out of control and he ends up killing his cat and wife. The Tell-tale Heart was written in 1950 after Poes wifes death in 1847, portrays a madman who becomes paranoid about an old mans vulture like eye and similarly to The Black Cat he kills the old man. In both stories Poe uses a variety of techniques to convey his dramatic version of the gothic horror genre. He uses repetition through the rule of three, punctuation and simple sentences, settings and pathetic fallacy, the main homodiegetic narrator and innocent side characters as well as some significant supernatural events. These all help achieve the effective, dramatic gothic horror story. Another technique used by Poe is repetition including the use of the rule of 3. In the tell tale heart the pace of the story quickens when Poe used the repetition in the rule of three. Louder! Louder! Louder! this is said repeatedly at the end to insinuate the narrators panic and quickening velocity. This technique also works with the slow build of tension at the beginning of the story and the haste filled confession at the end. In an early paragraph the narrator describes himself to possess sagacity and throughout the story he praises his actions and reassures himself and the reader, how calmly I can tell you the whole story but towards the end he begins to lose control over his calmness and starts shouting (showing signs of madness). In the black cat Poe uses repetition in anaphora sentences I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse this gives a different thrilling and effective use of the narrators need to reiterate his emotions in an order, I think this can be linked to my previous mention of his possible OCD. Another technique Poe uses to make his stories dramatic and effective is the setting and pathetic fallacy. In the Black Cat Poe sets the beginning of the story as bright and sunny to portray a much happier, normal life and during the darkening times, the weather changes to dark, dangerous ad sombre. One night, returning home, much intoxicated, this supports the idea that Poe has used weather set the tone of the scene. During the deaths in the Black Cat the setting appears quite gloomy and dark like when the wife is killed in the cellar. In the Tell tale heart the narrator says that Every day at midnight which helps develop the idea that the time of day i.e. very dark, cooler which could affect the response from the reader. Poe also takes the setting (inside the old mans bedroom) as a tool to create that odd difference with the mad narrator and his fairly normal life. The way in which Poe takes the bedroom which is where people would often feel safe and uses it as the base for the murder should evoke an emotional response of unease from the reader. He has managed to turn a safe place into a sinister and dangerous place. This makes his stories dramatic and effective by exploring different aspects of normal every days lives and making them creepy and weird. This fits in with the Gothic genre by invoking terror and featuring terrifying experiences in a place where the reader should feel safe. Overall Poe uses a variety of techniques to create an effective and dramatic story which can make the reader feel un-easy. His use of the narrator, other characters, punctuation, repetition and the setting fulfil all the elements to create a dramatic and effective gothic horror story.

Boeing and Mcdonnell Douglas Merger Essay Example for Free

Boeing and Mcdonnell Douglas Merger Essay Boeing and Airbus; two longtime rivals fighting over market share in an extremely volatile market due to high research and development costs and constant changes in market demand was the cause for Boeing to take drastic protective measures. Boeing which at the time was one of the largest commercial aircraft manufacturer and third largest aerospace defense contractor decided to merge with McDonnell Douglas. McDonnell Douglas also produces commercial aircraft but held much less of the market share than Boeing. The intent of this paper is to describe the search and screening process Boeing used which is broken down in to three categories: legal, financial and operational, discuss the valuation criteria, analyze the negotiation and bidding process and determine what kind of financing Boeing used to secure McDonnell Douglas. Legal Issues When Boeing announced they were planning on purchasing rival McDonnell Douglas, this sparked a great deal of concern not only with the Federal Trade Commission but with anti-trust authorities in Europe as well. â€Å"The belief was that by reducing the markets to only two players, such a merger would so reduce the competition that consumers would be forced to pay more for airline tickets and tax payers would be forced to pay more for jet fighters and space vehicles† ( The goal addressing these concerns was to prevent Boeing and McDonnell Douglas from creating a monopoly of the aircraft and aerospace market. A monopoly is a situation in which a single company owns all or nearly all of the market for a given product or service (â€Å"Monopoly†, 2012). The concern in Europe was due to Boeing’s Practice of negotiating exclusive supply deals with major airlines such as Delta Airlines, American Airlines and Continental Airlines that prohibited purchases of Airbus planes (European Union Objects To Just About Everything In Boeing-Mcdonnell Merger, 1997). In the end, Boeing was forced to make concessions to ensure the merger would be allowed to go through. Andrews (1997) â€Å"Boeing agreed not to enforce the exclusive-supplier provisions of those deals, though analysts said that would have little effect on Boeings bottom line† (para. 3). Financial Status The commercial and defense aircraft market is extremely volatile and will change from extreme high demand in one or both commercial and defense to a decline in demand in one or both areas. At the time of this merger, Boeing had seen huge changes in defense spending that caused growth on the commercial side of the aircraft market. For Boeing this was a favorable change due to the fact that eighty percent of their products were for commercial aircraft rather than defense. Rolinitis (1997) â€Å"Although these factors heavily favored Boeing’s make-up, Boeing was still concerned with the severe cyclical swings that the commercial market faces† (Boeing’s View). Boeing’s main concern was to gain market share to better compete with the Airbus which was the second largest commercial aircraft manufacture that held most of its operations in Europe. At this time, McDonnell Douglas was structured exactly the opposite; two thirds of its revenue generated from defense products. Due to severe cuts in defense spending, McDonnell Douglas was consistently losing market share. This situation made an attractive opportunity for Boeing to merge with McDonnell Douglas and seemed that it would work out for both parties; Boeing would gain more market share in European markets and McDonnell Douglas would in essence not have to suffer large losses waiting for defense spending to increase. Operational Status The merger between Boeing and McDonnell Douglas was viewed by most a perfect match. The new company would have operations in the United States and Europe; maintain market share in both commercial and defense aircraft production markets. For Boeing, the only downside is they were forced to give up exclusive supplier relations with three airlines; however that did not seem to have that large of a negative effect on the new organization. Rolinitis (1997) â€Å"The merged company will have approximately 200,000 employees which included the recent Boeing merger of Rockwell aerospace and defense units. It will operate with estimated 1997 revenues in excess of $48 billion, making it the largest integrated aerospace company in the world† (The Deal). Valuation Criteria Negotiations Financing Conclusion The air craft production industry is one of the most volatile industries due to ever changing supply and demand and high research and development costs. As the air craft market changed moving towards more commercial demand and declining defense demand, it became in the best interest for Boeing and McDonnell Douglas to merge into one joint company making them the largest commercial and defense air craft production company. There can be quite a bit of issues concerning the merger of two companies; some concern what is in the best interest of one company and others may include the concern of not violating trade laws. The purpose of this paper was to describe the search and screen process and issues; specifically legal, financial, and operational status, discuss the valuation criteria, valuation and negotiation and bidding processes of the merger between McDonnell Douglas and Boeing. References Andrews, E. L. (1997). Boeing Concession Averts Trade War With Eurpe. The New York Times. Retrieved from European Union Objects to Just About Everything in Boeing-McDonnell Merger. (1997). Retrieved from Monopoly. (2012). Retrieved from Rolinitis, S. (1997). The Boeing McDonnell Douglas Merger. Retrieved from

Friday, November 15, 2019

Objections to Charles Peirces Article, A Neglected Argument for the Re

Objections to Charles Peirce's Article, A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God ABSTRACT: Charles S. Peirce sketches "a nest of three arguments for the Reality of God" in his article "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God." I provide careful analysis and explication of Peirce's argument, along with consideration of some objections. I argue that (1) there are significant differences between Peirce's neglected argument and the traditional arguments for God's existence; (2) Peirce's analysis of the neglected argument into three arguments is misleading; (3) there are two distinct levels of argument that Peirce does not recognize; and (4) it is doubtful whether the argument meets all the criteria set by Peirce himself. Charles S. Peirce published in the Hibbert Journal in 1908 an article titled, "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God." The article sketches what Peirce calls, in a later comment, "a nest of three arguments for the Reality of God" (6.486). (1) I provide an analysis of Peirce's argument and his interpretation of it along with a consideration of some objections. I shall argue: (1) that there are significant differences between Peirce's neglected argument and the traditional arguments for God's existence; (2) that Peirce's own analysis of the neglected argument into three arguments is misleading; (3) that there are two distinct levels of argument that Peirce does not acknowledge, and (4) that it is doubtful the argument meets all the criteria Peirce himself establishes. I trust that your response to what I have to say will not mirror the response Michael Raposa reports he received from a "prominent American philosophical theologian," when he gave a presentation on this topic; that... ... 77-78. Also, if we follow Karl Barth. s interpretation of Anselm. s ontological argument, then the prayerful context in which Anselm offers his argument gives it a more religious cast. However, whatever similarities may exist I think it vital to recognize the differences otherwise one will expect to find yet another bit of metaphysical argumentation about God and be disappointed at not finding it. (5) It must, however, be admitted that if everyone who mused reached the same conclusion, this rather impressive fact would cry out for some explanation. (6) C.F. Delany, "Peirce on the Hypothesis of God," op. cit., p. 735. (7) Donna Orange, Peirce's Conception of God. op. cit., p. 86. (8) Michael L. Raposa, Peirce's Philosophy of Religion. op. cit., p. 128. (9) John E. Smith, "The Tension Between Direct Experience and Argument in Religion." op. cit., p. 497.

Rizal the Subversive :: essays research papers fc

Rizal as a Rational Thinker   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During his life, Jose Rizal was described as a heretic and subversive, an enemy of both the Church and Spain. He has made tremendous contributions to the progress of the Filipino society. His political works and essays, being anti-clerical and anti-colonial, frankly aimed to expose the maladies of his time and cure the Philippines of what he calls â€Å"the social cancer†. Rizal had been the progressive radical thinker, and promptly answered the ailing call of his Motherland, who cries for a cure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rizal had been a subversive in his own time. The Church had him excommunicated, and the Spaniards had him imprisoned, and then executed in Bagumbayan. However, that does not mean that he will always be a subversive, provided that he lives in a time aside from his, as if it really is his own identity, rather than an act or decision based on the call of situations and events. And in the first place, Rizal did not go to Europe just to harbor revolutionary ideas from the people there. He sought knowledge in foreign lands, so that he may use it and the Filipinos may benefit from it. Rizal did not intentionally want to make waves or a revolution, at all situations and regardless of events. And if he really favored revolution, that would be because of necessity. Rizal is a rational thinker, will surely analyze the situations first, and then make decisions based on his analyses, just like what doctors do when treating their patients.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout the entire article, one could often read the communistic word, â€Å"struggle†Ã¢â‚¬â€struggle against foreign tyranny, against the ruling class, etc. This was what Jose Ma. Sison was aiming at since the start. He believed that individual freedom can only be achieved through national freedom and that political unity could only be gained by removing all foreign threats to it. Then, he calls for a revolution, a Philippine Revolution, so that all the struggles that the mass is currently facing, according to him, will be finally put to an end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perhaps Sison is missing a point in this one simple thing: that this world is not perfect, and in every aspect of the society, there would always be a weakness. It is true that a revolution could end the situation, but how many revolutions? In this state of frailty and weakness, the Philippines could no longer afford another radical revolution.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Confidence in Students Essay

Statistics reveal that 95% of children and adults experience lack of confidence, self-belief, or low self-esteem at some point in their lives. Confidence is a feeling most adolescents have always struggled with and it is impossible to overestimate the lack of it amongst students. It ties in with stress, peer pressure, and other insecurities most teenagers face on a daily basis. Self-confidence can be altered by various life situations such as one’s school environment, home life, and individual motivation. What most educators fail to realize is that strengthening the confidence of their students is just as important as educating them. Educating students means more than giving academic knowledge. Giving positive and constructive feedback helps reduce weaknesses and enhance strengths. Telling a student how well he’s done on any task, whether it being an exam or regular classwork, helps him feel more accomplished. Students thrive on praise and will push themselves even harder once they feel their work is being recognized. Even though giving praise is helpful, one should know self-confidence isn’t built from being spoiled with praise. Students will also know if the praise given is genuine. If they feel the praise is meaningless, they will not feel as motivated to push themselves harder. One should remain honest with each student to encourage him to address problems, instead of avoiding or denying their existence. Teachers should always make corrections without damaging a student’s confidence. A simple smile or letting students know you’re happy to see them also helps them to feel worthwhile and appreciated. Another key idea is goals set for each student. Teachers sometime tend to set goals too high or too low for certain students. Recognize that every child is different and has different learning capabilities. Always set realistic goals so the students will feel a sense of accomplishment when the goal is completed. Never make tasks too easy or too challenging. When students reach a point where they can overcome doubt to achieve objectives will help boost their confidence. Including them in your expectations for them and discussing their individual progress is always good to do. This will help students to see what approach or direction they need to take in order to complete the given task to their best ability. Rewarding students for meeting challenges lets them know they’re doing what they should. Most students don’t give themselves enough credit due to their personal insecurities. Encouraging students to set high standards for themselves will test their limits. When a teacher reassures a student that they are capable of achieving greatness, they will feel like somebody truly believes in them and it will motivate them greatly. With all this being said about the school environment, a student’s home life plays a major role with self-confidence as well. Parental relationships help in determining the self-esteem level one may have. Adolescents who view their parents’ communication as supportive and open are most probably to have higher self-esteem than those who perceived their parents’ communication patterns as controlling and unsupportive. Parents shouldn’t put any extra pressure on their children than they’re already facing. Being overwhelmed in numerous tasks and activities is never a good impact on one’s self confidence. It makes one panic and having a parent constantly yelling for one to complete it and do it well lowers self-confidence. A teenager wants to feel that their parents believe in them and their work capabilities. Despite how much a student’s home and school environment may affect their confidence, it all begins with individual motivation. For a student to be confident in their work and themselves, one has to be completely focused. A focused student shows determination and promise which helps the self-confidence level. Focusing on school and being very studious will make a student’s grades increase, boosting their confidence. Telling oneself positive motivational remarks helps also. Believing in oneself is the last step but indeed the most important. Confidence may be hard for teenagers to obtain in today’s society, but it isn’t impossible. The insecurities, peer pressure, and nearly unbearable stress student’s face shouldn’t be seen as a discouragement but instead as motivation to work harder. With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.

A Computerized Payroll System

Abstract 1. 0Introduction1-1 1. 1Statement of the Problem 1-1 1. 2Current state of the Technology 1-2-1-4 1. 3Objectives 1-5 1. 3. 1General Problem 1-5 1. 3. 2Specific Problem 1-5 – 1-6 1. 3. 3General Objectives1-6 1. 3. 4Specific Objectives 1-6 – 1-7 1. 3. 5Scope and Limitations 1-7 – 1-9 2. 0Theoretical Framework2-1 2. 1Introduction 2-1 2. 2Database Management 2-2 2. 3Information System2-2 2. 4Transaction Processing System2-3 2. 5Computer2-3 2. 5. 1Hardware2-3 2. 5. 2Software2-4 2. 5. 3Microsoft Access2-4 2. 5. 4Microsoft Word2-4 3. A Computerized Payroll System for Arias Garments 3-1 3. 1. Introduction 3-1 3. 2 System Design Specification 3-1 3. 3 System Development Life Cycle Diagram 3-2 – 3-4 3. 3. 1. System Planning 3-2 3. 3. 2. System Analysis 3-3 3. 3. 3. System Design 3-3 3. 3. 4. System Implementation3-4 3. 3. 5. System Maintenance 3-4 Data Flow Diagram of Regular Employees (Current System) 3-5 Data Flow Diagram of Contractual Employees (Current System) 3-6 3. 3 Proposed Data Diagram 3-7- 3-8 3. 4 Entity Relationship Diagram 3-9 3. 5 Input Specification 3-10- 3-12 Data Structure of Database: Personal Data 3-10 Data Structure of Database: Regular payroll3-10-3-11 Data Structure of Database: Formula for Regular 3-10 Data Structure of Database: Contractual Payroll3-11-3-12 Data Structure of Database: Formula for Contractual 3-12 Data Structure of Database: Deductions 3-12 4. 0. Performance Analysis 4-1 4. 1. Introduction 4-1 4. 2. Experimental 4. 3. Data Gathering Procedures and Output4-2 4. 3. 1. Interview 4-2 4. 3. 2. Observation4-2 – 4-3 4. 4. Research Method 4-3 4. 4. 1. Internet 4-3- 4-4 4. 4. 2. Library 4-4 5. 0. Conclusion 5-1 5. 1. Recommendation 5-1-5-2 Appendices Appendix A (work schedule) Appendix B (Certification and letter) Appendix C (transcript of interview) Appendix D (sample forms and reports) Appendix E (expenses) Appendix f (screen shots) 1. 0 Introduction 1. 1Statement of the Problem Not so long ago, all payrolls used to be calculated manually without any help from the computer. Professional’s accountants invested a lot of time and energy into keeping track of all employee data, files and information, calculating monthly salaries, benefits and taxes. And they did this all by keeping numerous files filled with track records for each and every person employed. Nowadays, however, thing are for more simple than they used to be. Because technology is always dedicated to making thing easier and better, quite a wide variety of computerized payroll system is available to save us from this tedious task. Now instead of keeping dozens of files and spending in less hours calculating, all you have to do is get a payroll software system and let it do the nasty work. The computerized payroll system saves time and money easy to use and practical. Manual payroll system is performed entirely by hand and can result in payroll errors and usually slow process. Nowadays business establishment on corporation must use modern technologies to make their tasks easier and faster, technologies that will help people to solve complex problems. Businesses needs advance system that saves time and also secure. Most of company now uses computerized payroll system. A computerized payroll system will not only resolve difficult problems but also it will provide fast process and accurate calculation of the salary. 1. 2Current State of the Technology Transaction processing systems offer enterprises the means to rapidly process transactions to ensure the smooth flow of data and the progression of processes throughout the enterprise. Managing a payroll system manually is a tedious job. Hours worked, taxes, and government deduction are calculated y hand, error in computation can occur as a result. Making sure that each employee is paid accordingly and on time is a management responsibility that should be carefully planned and executed. Failure to manage a payroll effectively may cause many problems for the company and its employees. It could mean loss of money, integrity, and trust between both parties. Oftentimes, it takes many hours of work and manpower to get the job done. In certain cases, effective payroll management is compromised by the lack of an effective system. Most companies may have enough manpower and resources. However, with an effective information technology, managing a payroll will be simpler, cost-effective, timely and reliable. One of the companies that use manual payroll system is the Arias Garments. It was established last September 18, 1994 at #88 Bargy. Latag, Lipa City, under the management of Mr. Alex Arias together with his wife Mrs. Anita Carol Katigbak. It started with only forty machines and ten employees. The capital of Arias Garments is Php 500,000. 00. By 1996, Arias Garments became the subcontractor of Champan Garments. Champan Garments produce and transport products like Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, Tommy, and Hilfinger. As of now, Arias Garments have 176 machines and 100 employees (40 regular and 60 contractual). 8:00AM is the time-in of employees, 4:00PM is the time out, and they consider 8:15AM as late. Employees who are late or either log-out earlier than 4:00PM will have a deduction on their wages (deduction is 0. 61 per minutes late or under time). First offense, for late and employees who under time, will be given warning, second and third offense is suspension and fourth offense is termination. Manufacturing is their main business, their product lines are: Jeans, Skirts, and shorts for maternity, infants, and kinds. Their clients are from different countries: Japan, UK, Hongkong, China, and Taiwan. Arias Garments is not allowed to sell or manufacture product here in Philippines, because this is an agreement between Arias and Champan Garments. They also have regular and contractual employee, when it comes to salary it is still the same, Php293. 0 is the salary rate per day. Regular employees have government benefits (SSS, PagIbig, and Phil health). Arias Garments is a minimum wage earner that’s why they are paying the minimum amount on the government deduction. PagIbig deduction is Php100. 00 per month, since weekly is the cut-off period Php100. 00 will be divided by four because there are four weeks in a month; Php25. 00 is the deduction per cut-off period on PagIbig. In PhilHealth, Php50. 00 is the per month, so per cut-off period is Php12. 50. Regarding with SSS deduction the Compliance Officer is provided a table of deduction given by SSS. Since employees are minimum wage earner they have to pay Php133. 30 month or Php33. 33 per cut-off period. Contractual employees don’t have benefits; it means they don’t have to pay government deduction. Employees of Arias Garments are not paying taxes, because they are minimum wage earner and do not receive allowance from the company, therefore they are zero rated or tax free. Regarding to holiday, employees who work during holiday will have a double pay. Regular employees who worked, one year and above have a vacation leave ( policy regarding to leave olicy is written at the back part at appendix ___? ) They used daily time card to monitor the attendance of employees and every Thursday is their cut-off period. Accounting Process is managed by the Compliance Officer namely, Mrs. Korina Navarro. She manually computes every day the employee’s wages and necessary deductions, she spent three hours a day to finish and update the employee’s wages. By looking th rough the time card she manages to compute the days worked of 100 employees’s that causes inaccurate and delay computation of the weekly salary. Reports for SSS, PagIbig, and Phil health will be prepared by the Compliance Officer that consume most of her time in a day. Because of huge number of Arias Garments employees, the Compliance Officer encounter different problem like slow transaction and inaccurate computation of wages and deductions, inaccurate report generation and ineffective creation of pay slip. 1. 3Objectives 1. 3. 1General Problem How to design, develop and improve the current payroll system of Arias Garments? 1. 3. 2Specific Problem †¢How to add and update the employee’s record faster? Based on interview the Compliance Officer takes more of her time on adding and updating employee’s record. Because of big number of Arias Garments employee, it causes inaccurate input on adding and updating data. †¢How to make accurate computations of the employee’s payroll? Based on the interview conducted, the Compliance Officer of Arias Garments computes the employee’s salary includes certain deductions (SSS, Phil Health and PagIbig) and necessary leave, absence, holiday pay, and under time that are carefully considered for the computations of the net pay manually. Exchanging and inaccurate results usually happened. Arias Garments create their pay slip manually also, in this case the compliance officer has to look at the table all over again to verify each of the employee’s salary and write it down on a pay slip to formalized the wage slow transaction and inaccurate pay slip is the often result. †¢How to minimize the time preparing the weekly employee reports? Based on observation the compliance officer is the only one who prepares the weekly employee reports that consume most of her time in a day. Arias Garments monitoring system is executed manually, therefore generating reports consume more time. 1. 3. 3General objectives This study aims to improve the current payroll system of Arias Garments by developing and designing a computerized payroll. 1. 3. 4Specific Objectives Specifically, the study aims: †¢To develop an Information Module that will contain personal information of employees. This module will improve the procedures of adding and updating files and record of employees of Arias Garments through the use of computerized payroll information module, which will minimize the time in adding and updating processes. †¢To develop a transaction module that will compute the wages and deductions such as PagIbig, SSS, Phil Health, and absence. This module will automatically compute necessary government deductions needed in providing weekly wages. This will serve as a guide in computing wages. This will also contain a print-out salary and deductions of the employees. This will automatically print-out the computed salary of employees in a computerized pay slip. †¢To develop a report generation module, that will generate weekly reports to be use by the Compliance Officer. The proposed system will also contain the report generation module which will offer faster way of creating weekly reports. This module will generate reports easier than Microsoft Excel. . 3. 5Scope and Limitations The system will focus mainly on transaction of calculating employee’s wages by using Microsoft Access. It will guarantee maintenance of employee’s personal records and transaction. The proposed system will be using Microsoft Access. The system has a data base that stores all the employees record needed in payroll computation. Thi s includes the personal data of every employee, government deductions and other deductions. Computation for contractual and regular employees will be separated. The Computerized Payroll System will contain the major following major module: †¢Information Module This module contains the personal information about the employees of the Arias Garments. In this module Compliance Officer can add, delete, edit and update easily the information about employees. †¢Transaction Module This module is for the computation of the employee’s payroll for their weekly wages. Computation on deduction such SSS, PagIbig, PhilHealth, late and under time will automatically computed and deducted in this module. †¢Report Generation Module This module will generate weekly reports such as employees payslip, SSS, PagIbig, and PhilHealth Contribution. The Compliance Officer can view or print-out the needed reports. This will help the management in a faster salary distribution for the employees. This study will not involve the use of other electronic devices such as swiping machines, barcode readers, touch screen and programmable keyboard due to the lack of financial capability of the proponents to buy such equipments and Arias Garments does not consider those devices at present time due to their budget allocation. Time-in and time-out of the employees will not be included in the system. Employees will still use the daily time card to monitor their attendance. Compliance Officer will just transfer the employee attendance by typing in to the system. User name and user password is not provided on the system. Financial calculation is not included in the system; only employees can be calculated in the system. Furthermore, the system would be limited only for creation of pay slips, generation of reports and record keeping. The system will not include accounting process such computation of debit, credit, and cash on hand. The system is designed in such a manner that Compliance Officer with minimal computer knowledge will be able to learn and later master all the procedures provided. Therefore, it will not be necessary to hire additional staff. 2. 0Theoretical Framework 2. Introduction A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated concepts, like a theory but not necessarily so well worked-out. A theoretical framework guides your research, determining what things you will measure, and what statistical relationships you will look for. Theoretical frameworks are obviously critical in deductive, theory-testing sorts of studies. In those kinds of studies, the theoretical framework must be very specific and well-thought out. Surprisingly, theoretical frameworks are also important in exploratory studies, where you really don't know much about what is going on, and are trying to learn more. There are two reasons why theoretical frameworks are important here. First, no matter how little you think you know about a topic, and how unbiased you think you are, it is impossible for a human being not to have preconceived notions, even if they are of a very general nature. A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated concepts, like a theory but not necessarily so well worked-out. A theoretical framework guides your research, determining what things you will measure, and what statistical relationships you will look for. 2. 2Database Management A Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and the use of a database. It allows organizations to place control of database development in the hands of database administrators (DBAs) and other specialists. A DBMS is a system software package that helps the use of integrated collection of data records and files known as databases. It allows different user application programs to easily access the same database. DBMSs may use any of a variety of database models, such as the network model or relational model. In large systems, a DBMS allows users and other software to store and retrieve data in a structured. 2. 3Information System Information Systems (IS) is an academic/professional discipline bridging the business field and the well-defined computer science field that is evolving toward a new scientific area of study. An information systems discipline therefore is supported by the theoretical foundations of information and computations such that learned scholars have unique opportunities to explore the academics of various business models as well as related algorithmic processes within a computer science discipline. . 4 Transaction Processing System A Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a type of information system that collects, stores, modifies and retrieves the data transactions of an enterprise. A transaction is any event that passes the ACID test in which data is generated or modified before storage in an information system. Transaction processing systems offer enterprises the me ans to rapidly process transactions to ensure the smooth flow of data and the progression of processes throughout the enterprise. 2. Computer A computer is a programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic or logical operations. The particular sequence of operations can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem. 2. 5. 1Hardware Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices. Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners. The internal hardware parts of a computer are often referred to as components, while external hardware devices are usually called peripherals. Together, they all fall under the category of computer hardware. Software, on the other hand, consists of the programs and applications that run on computers. Because software runs on computer hardware, software programs often have system requirements that list the minimum hardware required for the software to run. 2. 5. 2Software Computer software, or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do and how to do it. We can also say software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. In other words software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation. 2. 5. 3Microsoft Access Microsoft Access is the database application from the Microsoft Office Suite of applications. It is a powerful personal database and data manipulation tool that is also widely used in many small businesses. Database consists of tables, their relationship to one another, queries, reports, forms. Macros and filters. 2. 5. 4Microsoft Word Word includes templates to design documents used routinely in office environments such as sales letters, mailing label formats and invoices. A program to type text. 3. 0A Computerized Payroll System for Arias Garments 3. 1Introduction The proposed system will be using Microsoft Access for the database. The system will have a data base that stores all the employee records needed in payroll computation. This includes information of every employee and government deductions. The system have a information, transaction and report generation module. The proposed system is designed only for the use of Arias Garments which is located at #88 Brgy. Latag, Lipa City. The system would be limited only for the creation of pay slips, generation of reports and record keeping. 3. 2System Design Specification The proposed system is determined to eliminate all the problems encountered in using the manual operations in the payroll system. The primary goal of the proponents is to develop a computerized system that will help the user reduce the burden of time processing of payroll with integrity and accuracy. The proponents used System development Life Cycle, because it is systematic and has an orderly approach in analyzing the projects. The first step is System Planning, second is system analysis, third is system design, fourth is system implementation and last is system support. The system was developed in order to solve the problems of the current payroll of Arias Garments. System development Life Cycle System Planning The planning phase includes several elements such as identification of objectives, assessment of resources, scanning the environment, determination and evaluation of alternative sources of action toward the achievement of objectives. The proponents did the initial investigation as what solution is necessary in order to improve the current manual payroll system of the Arias Garments. The proponents gather information through interviews, and observation of the current payroll system of Arias Garments. This study aims to design, develop and improved the current manual payroll system of Arias Garments to lessen the time being consumed in computing salaries and generating all necessary reports. System Analysis The purpose is to analyze the Arias Garments problem or situation and then to define the requirements for new or improved payroll system. The proponents worked with the Compliance Officer of Arias Garments in order to better understand how they managed their current payroll system and how proponents can provide the best alternative solution. System design The scope of a system design remains the single payroll system application from system analysis. The purposed is to design a computerized technical solution that meets the payroll system requirements as specified in system analysis. Proponents used the best solution that they devised in the system analysis phase. Proponents provide effective input to information like the formula, field name and type. Proponents used techniques of a good form and screen design. System Implementation The purposed of the system implementation is defined by the technology related components of the payroll system application. The purpose is to construct and or assemble the technical components and deliver the new improved payroll system into operation. The system is carefully tested to make sure that there are no errors. The proponents turn the system design into credible working system using Microsoft Access. System Maintenance The purposed of the system maintenance is to sustain and support the system for the remainder of its useful life. The proponents will use a proof implementation review process to monitor, evaluate and modify the system as needed. The proponents will keep in touch with the payroll officers for them to communicate with each other about the installed payroll system program. If ever those errors are encountered, the proponents will do all of the necessary corrections the soonest possible time. This phase will continue as long as the system is in use. 3. 3Proposed Data Flow Diagram of Arias Garments The proposed system was developed in order to solve the problems of the current manual payroll of Arias Garments. The system will monitor the time-in and time-out of the employees and calculate hours worked in payroll transaction. Employee’s records and files will be kept in a secured database for necessary updating and deletion purposes. The system will also generate weekly reports and computerized pay slip for every employee. 3. 4Entity Relationship Diagram Entity Relationship Diagram is use to identify the relationships between each table from database. Each table has a primary key that connect the table to another table to know if it is connected to other tables. 3. Input Specification Data Structure of Database: Personal Data Data Structure of Database: Regular Payroll Data Structure of Database: Formula Regular Payroll Data Structure of Database: Contractual Payroll Data Structure of Database: Formula Contractual Payroll Data Structure of Database: Deductions 3. 6Output Specification Data Structure of Database: Personal Data Data Structure of Database: Regular Payroll Data Structure of Database: Formula Regular Payroll Data Structure of Database: Contractual Payroll Data Structure of Database: Formula Contractual Payroll Data Structure of Database: Deductions 4. 0Performance Analysis 4. 1Introduction Performance analysis involves gathering formal and informal data to help customers and sponsors define and achieve their goals. Performance analysis uncovers several perspectives on a problem or opportunity, determining any and all drivers towards or barriers to successful performance, and proposing a solution system based on what is discovered. Based on interview and observation the solution for the problem encountered by Arias Garments is to improve their current payroll system. 4. 2Experimental The experimental method is the only method of research that can truly test hypotheses concerning cause-and-effect relationships. It represents the most valid approach to the solution of educational problems, both practical and theoretical, and to the advancement of education. The proponents use Microsoft Excel to determine the difference with Microsoft Access. Proponents found out that Microsoft Access is easy to use and more advance when it comes to features. By browsing the Microsoft Access proponents became more familiar on it and they can now make a Computerized Payroll System for Arias Garments. 4. 3Data Gathering Procedures and Output In data gathering, the proponents used different procedures and techniques that became the first touch of defining problems encountered by Arias Garments. The proponents set an interview with the Compliance Officer in order to gather facts. The second technique is observation, as to clearly understand and support the conducted interview. Library and internet is also use. 4. 3. 1Interview Interview is a technique used to gather information about the subject of the study. Relevant set of questions were prepared for the Compliance Officer, Mrs Korina Navarro in order to gather information on how they manage their current Payroll System. The transcript of interview is on the back page at apendex____? 4. 3. 2Observation Observation is very effective information gathering. In able to understand clearly the problem of the current system or to know what solutions should be made, observation is one technique that should be practiced. Observation is performed by the proponents in order to know and understand the daily transaction of Arias Garments. Based on the observation conducted, computation and deductions are done manually in their current payroll by the Compliance Officer. Often, results are slow transaction and inaccurate computation of salary. 4. 4Research Method Can be defined as the search for knowledge, or as any systematic investigation, with an open mind, to establish facts, solve new or existing problems, prove new ideas, or develop new theories. 4. 4. 1Internet The proponents used internet because, internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite to serve billions of information. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. Throughout the development of the system and documentation particularly in chapter 2, 3, and 4, the proponents use goggle, yahoo, Wikipedia as search engine for defining terms like theoretical framework, database management, transaction processing system, information system, computer, hardware, software, Microsoft Access and word for chapter 2 and the different phases of system development life cycle for chapter 3. Data gathering, interview, observation, research method, internet and library for chapter 4. The following website that we have research are: References: [http://www. estpricecomputers. co. uk/glossary/transaction-processing-systems. htm] [http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Information_system] [http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Computer] [http://www. google. com. ph] 4. 3. 2 Library It means the collection itself, the building or room that houses such a collection. The proponents conducted library research at STI College Lipa Library. Information was gathered by the proponents fr om different thesis about payroll system like â€Å"A Computerized Payroll System for the office of the City Veterinarian and Agriculture services and some other books like Database Processing and MS Office ’97. Screen Shot No. : 1 Screen Name: Welcome Screen Shot No. : 2 Description: Arias Garments Logo’s Screen Shot No. : 3 Description: all modules Screen Shot No. : 4 Description: this is Information form, can add, delete and update employees record. Screen Shot No. : 5 Description: Form for the computation of regular employee’s salary. Screen Shot No. : 6 Description: Form for the computation of contractual employee’s salary Screen Shot No. : 7 Description: Reports Screen Shot No. 8 Description: Payslip ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Words are not enough to express the depth of gratitude for those special people who unselfishly shared their time, helping hands, words of encouragement and most of all love, which contributed to the fulfillment of this endeavor. Coming from our heart with all sincerity we wish to thank the following: Engr. Ramon P. Flores IV, Dean and our instructor in research and development for the concern, comments, hel pful advice and encouragement to finish this study. Arias Garments, especially to Ms. Korina Navarro the Compliance Officer, for allowing us to conduct interview and providing the information and written document for pursuing this study. Ms. Thelma Sarmiento and Ms. Daisy Oracion, IT instructors for their worthy suggestion and sharing knowledge for fulfilment of our system. Mr. Antonio Fernandez BSBM Head, for giving us some suggestion and moral support for the fulfillment of this study. Ms. Isabelita Socias, STI Lipa Librarian for allowing us to use the library. Mr. Leonardo Babol III, giving us the permission you use the permission STI Computer Laboratory. Mr. Lloyd Wendell Aguilar, for guiding us when we are using computers in the Computer Laboratory. Friends and Classmates, for encouragement and support. Beloved Parents, for their all-out love, concern and understanding, moral and financial support which contributed significantly in the accomplishment and fulfilment of the study. And to Almighty God, for never-ceasing guidance in helping us to overcome all of our day-today difficulties and for not leaving us in time of hardship. Thank you very much. Proponents: Ms. Arnalyn S. Arellano Ms. Marry Ann A. Adona Ms. Christine Rose R. Arellano BIBLIOGRAPHY Books: [1997]Microsoft Office ‘97 System Technology Institute PHP and SQL Web Development (3rd Edition) Luke Welling and Laura Thomson Unpublished Thesis: [CAV 2004]Vergara, Carmen A. A computerized Payroll System for the Office of the City of Veterinarian and Agriculture March 2004 World Wide Web: Http://www. goggle. com. ph] Http://www. Transaction-processing-system. htm] [Http://www. wikepedia. org/wiki/computer]

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bullying: who does what, when and where? Essay

In this paper, bullying was defined as a form of aggressive behavior or negative actions reoccurring over time between children who bully and those who are victimized (Fekkes, Pijpers, & Verloove-Vanhorick, 2005). Furthermore, Fekkes et al. (2005) suggested bullying as a group phenomenon involving not only the bullies and their victims, but also the bystanders. Other problems addressed by this research included the negative impact bullying has on children’s mental and physical health and the level of involvement that is necessary for effective intervention strategies to be successful. The specific research questions posed investigated the extent to which children are involved in bullying behavior, the level of involvement of others (i. e. , teachers, parents, classmates), and the effectiveness of current intervention strategies used to stop bullying behaviors. The purpose of the data presented by this research was to gather information and to utilize that information to compose novel efforts in combating bullying in schools. Fekkes et al. (2005) presented a range of empirical literature to support the need for this research. Studies by Williams et al. , (1996); Salmon et al. , (1998); and Forero et al. , (1999) were included to support the problem of negative health issues associated with bullying behaviors (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Studies by Atlas and Pepler (1998) and Hawkins et al. (2001) supported the notion of bullying as a group phenomenon and the effectiveness of bystander intervention (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Participants in this study were 2766 children from 32 Dutch elementary schools. These children had participated in a longitudinal study on the effectiveness of an anti-bullying policy at schools. It is important to note that the data were collected prior to any implementation of the anti-bullying policy. In November 1999, children from 9 to 11 years old were administered a questionnaire in the classroom. The questionnaire addressed frequency of bullying behaviors, types of bullying behaviors, where bullying behaviors took place, who intervened to stop the bullying, and whether or not the interventions were successful. According to Liebrand et al. (1994), Mooij (1992), and Olweus (1994), this questionnaire was based on the Dutch version of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, a well-documented questionnaire that was used in numerous studies on bullying (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Using statistical analyses to analyze the data from the questionnaires, Fekkes et al. (2005) found that active bullying was prevalent at schools. Physical forms of bullying behaviors, such as hitting or pushing, were found to be most typical of boys. Girls were found to initiate bullying behaviors that were relational in nature, such as isolation tactics and rumor spreading. Bullying was found to take place on the playground as well as in the classroom. Nearly half of children being bullied did not report it to their teacher but did speak to their parents about it. A similar finding was also reported by Whitney and Smith (1993) (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Intervention attempts by teachers were found to have little effect, if any, on bullying occurrences. All of these findings provided the insight needed to recommend future intervention strategies. The prevalence of bullying behaviors among children in this age group was found to be consistent with the findings of similar studies conducted cross-culturally. Fekkes et al. (2005) compared the findings of this study to others in Norway, the UK, Italy, and Germany. With regard to gender differences in bullying behaviors, Whitney and Smith (1993), Borg (1999), Junger-Tas and van Kesteren (1999) found similar results among the direct and indirect nature of bullying behaviors among boys and girls (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Olweus (1993a) found that levels of bullying were lower on playgrounds with more teachers present (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Consistent with Whitney and Smith’s (1993) study and Rivers and Smith’s (1994) study, teachers are not regularly told about incidents of bullying behaviors by victimized children (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Because so many of the findings of this paper were consistent with other studies, the next logical step for future researchers would be to systematically integrate the various aspects of this topic into an intervention model with a comprehensive approach. Fekkes et al. (2005) recommended many strategies to assist such interventions. One such recommendation stated that teachers should create an environment in which children feel comfortable talking about their negative bullying experiences. Olweus (1993a) suggested the establishment of class rules aimed at minimizing bullying behavior (as cited in Fekkes et al. , 2005). Fekkes et al. further suggested that in addition to establishing class rules to minimize bullying behaviors, class discussion of the rules on a regular basis may aid in establishing an anti-bullying culture within that community. Another possible step for future research may be to replicate the study with a younger set of participants. Data collected from a younger age group may provide more insight into the early stages of bullying behaviors and early intervention strategies may aid in minimizing the prevalence of incidents of bullying in the higher elementary grades. Overall, I believe this study provided some valuable insight with regard to prevalence of bullying behaviors without the aid of an established intervention program. One of the strengths of this study was its large number of participants as well as findings which were consistent in similar studies in other countries. Such a large sample size provides for a clear snapshot of the pervasiveness of this problem. An additional strength of this study involves its use of an adapted version of the Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire which has been used in many studies on bullying. Using such a well-documented tool lends to the consistency of the findings across multiple studies. Something that stood out to me was that there was no mention of effects of bullying behaviors on peer bystanders, positive or negative. I feel this was a limitation because bystanders were referred to as having a certain degree of power when taught effective intervention strategies Fekkes et al. , 2005). Another limitation I observed was the limited age range of the participants. I feel that with younger participants, it may be possible to do comparison studies to try to pinpoint just when bullying behaviors begin to surface within the social structure of the classroom. A final limitation of this study was its use of a quantitative design to address issues more qualitative in nature. Fekkes et al. (2005) state that the aim of the data presented was to provide insight on the topic. This may be more effectively accomplished by doing a current literature review on the prevalence of bullying behaviors and current intervention strategies. Fekkes et al. (2005) describe their current involvement in a project aimed toward development of anti-bullying policies within schools in the Netherlands. They also describe how this study will be used in that capacity. This paper being linked to such a project also raises questions for me about the integrity of the purpose of the study.

Sap Bw Parallel Data Load

Scenario You have an SAP BW system with several (application) servers. You would like to distribute the workload of the data loads and other data warehouse management activities in a way that fits your needs best. This could mean that you would like to have all processes distributed across all available servers or that you would like to have one dedicated server for these processes. 2 Introduction SAP uses the terms instance and application server synonymously. In order to avoid misunderstandings we use the term instance for an SAP instance (application server) in this document.For a physical machine we use the term server. Some of the settings described in this document are done on an instance level, some on a server level. If you don’t have several instances (of the same SAP system) on one server you don’t have to draw this distinction between instance and server when reading this document. There are a host of functions and settings in the area of load balancing provi ded by the basis system (Web Application Server). However, these have been designed primarily for SAP’s ERP system.Customizing these features for optimal use with SAP BW requires further considerations. The challenges presented with data load processing originate from the fact that many fairly long running processes can be started almost simultanesouly. The standard SAP load balancing approach takes the quality of the instances into consideration when distributing the load. This quality is evaluated in regular intervals (five minutes by default). Within one interval a lot of parallel processes may be started on the best instance, using a lot of work processes while the other instances are idle.An optimal distribution of BW OLAP workload or data load resource consumption cannot readily be achieved with this standard method. Without adequate planning, and under heavy workload (peak) conditions, the risks can increase that hardware becomes a bottleneck; a limited number of serve rs can become saturated with processes consuming resources, and performance (and stability) can potentially suffer significantly. A successful load balancing approach optimally utilizes the hardware resources that have been allocated to the BW system.Note that this discussion assumes that an adequate sizing has been performed to properly size the SAP BW system (see SAP Service Marketplace alias â€Å"quicksizer† for more information). This document describes load balancing approaches for typical SAP BW activities. Commonly these activities process large amounts of data. Data (within one process) is split into packages and can thus be processed in parallel on one or across several servers or instances. On the other hand, several processes can run in parallel on one or on several servers or instances.This means that we can have parallel processing (and consequently achieve load balancing) both within one process and across processes. In our examples we will use a system called XXX as SAP BW system and a system called YYY as an SAP source system of XXX. During data load processing, data is extracted from the source system and sent to the target SAP BW system. Other load processes involve the SAP BW system as source system, as well as the target system (for example, DataMarts, activation of data in ODS objects). The instances and servers on XXX are as follows, the server ab1234 being the database server:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Identity Theft

Identity Theft In today’s society, there is a white-collar crime that has greatly risen in popularity among criminals. This crime is identity theft. Hundreds of thousands of people have their identities stolen each year. Identity theft is when these criminals obtain and use consumers personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, insurance information, and social security numbers to purchase goods or services fraudulently. According to the Federal Trade Commission, over 1.1 million people were the victim of identity theft. With this number, it is very evident that identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in our country. This paper will attempt to more thoroughly define identity theft. It will give examples of identity theft by examining the stories of Rosalie Pugliese and Mari Frank. It will show ways in which this very easily committed crime can be avoided, and in the extreme case that a person is a victim of identity fraud, to show the steps one can take to get their lives back on track. According to, identity theft is defined as, â€Å"when someone uses your name or personal information to open a credit account, take out a loan, or make a major purchase. And if they can do it once, they can do it repeatedly, using each new account as a reference for the next one. The result is that identity thieves can run up thousands of dollars worth of charges or obligations all in your name.† In our current society, since there have been a great deal of technological advances made, it is easier than ever for a common criminal to steal a social security number, a bank account number, or any other piece of information which could help a criminal gain access to ones personal finances. Identity thieves can retrieve vital information in many different ways. They can look through your trash at home or at work and retrieve a discarded bill, a piece of mail, or a credit application. ... Free Essays on Identity Theft Free Essays on Identity Theft The effects of the crime of identity theft are numerous. As our society continues to develop and our populations continue to explode, crime is a major concern. Our society is bombarded daily with shocking crime statistics that elude to the destruction of our morality; however, most law-abiding citizens feel reasonably safe from becoming a victim. Only in the last few years have we begun to recognize that crime can affect us personally, even if not physically. Originally, identity theft was considered a victimless crime since everything occurred on paper. However, â€Å"since September 11th, the entire country has been made aware of the impact that identity theft has on national security† (Primary Payment website). The tragedy of that day has increased our national skepticism and paranoia of others. Another effect of this rampant crime has been the development of expensive services offered by companies to help consumers protect themselves. â€Å"While some services are offered for free by financial institutions, others cost well over $100 a year† (Bergstein, p.B2). This new industry capitalizes on our fear. Their efforts include things such as monitoring credit reports, email alerts, professional help from identity theft experts, and insurance. The â€Å"services are marketed as salves for a growing problem† and create huge profit margins for these businesses (Bergstein p.B2). For example, the personal solutions unit at Equifax brought in $70 million in revenue in 2003 and is expected to contribute more than $100 million in 2004 (Bergstein p.B2). Consumer advocates â€Å"complain that identity theft protection services are being offered by companies that could do more to stop the problem in the first place† (Bergstein p.B2). A third effect resulting from this new crime has been the new legislation created to help protect victims and punish offenders. Our politicians have been forced to spend countless tax-dollars to create b... Free Essays on Identity Theft The Identity Thieves website last updated 2/19/01, told the story of Scott Clinton Gilbert, or at least someone who was believe to be â€Å"Robert Hartle†. As â€Å"Robert†, Scott was able to produce debts of more than $110,000, including bills for three pick up trucks, two motorcycles and a doublewide mobile home. If anyone was to question Scott on his identity of Robert Hartle he was more than prepared with a drivers license, Social Security card, and even a birth certificate. For quite some time Scott left the real â€Å"Robert Hartle† in a bit of a financial mess. Fortunately Scott’s â€Å"fraud spree† ended, leaving the true Robert free of all debts and credit charges. â€Å"But he that filches from me my good name/Robs me of that which not enriches him/And makes me poor indeed†- Shakespeare, Othello act iii, Sc. 3. Shakespeare was correct indeed, long before the time of the cashless society. Now it seems that almost everyone (especially here in the United States of America) has a credit card, Mac card, debit card, gift cards, I.D. cards, and a checking account with book and card. With all these plastic conviences, identity theft has become a common practice among thieves. â€Å"Stealing someone’s identity†, as the Identity Thieves website states, â€Å"to buy everything from cars to toys and leaving the real person’s credit rating in ruin may be the perfect crime because there is little that can be done to prosecute it†. This new identity crisis brings about a few serious questions; who owns who in this society, are we all really only what’s on a piece of plastic or paper, and what steps can we take t o assure this will not happen to us? First lets explore the thought or theory of â€Å" who owns who in this society†. Years ago we know that slavery was outlawed in the U.S.A., yet from time to time we see examples of it still going strong. In a vulgar sense we see the â€Å"pimp and hooker† as a form of slavery and o... Free Essays on Identity Theft Identity Theft In today’s society, there is a white-collar crime that has greatly risen in popularity among criminals. This crime is identity theft. Hundreds of thousands of people have their identities stolen each year. Identity theft is when these criminals obtain and use consumers personal information such as credit card numbers, bank account numbers, insurance information, and social security numbers to purchase goods or services fraudulently. According to the Federal Trade Commission, over 1.1 million people were the victim of identity theft. With this number, it is very evident that identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in our country. This paper will attempt to more thoroughly define identity theft. It will give examples of identity theft by examining the stories of Rosalie Pugliese and Mari Frank. It will show ways in which this very easily committed crime can be avoided, and in the extreme case that a person is a victim of identity fraud, to show the steps one can take to get their lives back on track. According to, identity theft is defined as, â€Å"when someone uses your name or personal information to open a credit account, take out a loan, or make a major purchase. And if they can do it once, they can do it repeatedly, using each new account as a reference for the next one. The result is that identity thieves can run up thousands of dollars worth of charges or obligations all in your name.† In our current society, since there have been a great deal of technological advances made, it is easier than ever for a common criminal to steal a social security number, a bank account number, or any other piece of information which could help a criminal gain access to ones personal finances. Identity thieves can retrieve vital information in many different ways. They can look through your trash at home or at work and retrieve a discarded bill, a piece of mail, or a credit application. ...

Use Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Files in a Delphi Application

Use Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Files in a Delphi Application Delphi supports the display of Adobe PDF files from within an application. As long as youve got Adobe Reader installed, your PC will automatically have the relevant ActiveX control youll need to create a component you can drop into a Delphi form. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 5 minutes Heres How: Start Delphi and select Component | Import ActiveX Control...Look for the Acrobat Control for ActiveX (Version x.x) control and click Install.Select the Component palette location into which the selected library will appear. Click Install.Select a package where the new component must be installed or create a new package for the new TPdf control.Click OK.Delphi will ask you whether you want to rebuild the modified/new package. Click Yes.After the package is compiled, Delphi will show you a message saying that the new TPdf component was registered and already available as part of the VCL.Close the package detail window, allowing Delphi to save the changes to it.The component is now available in the ActiveX tab (if you didnt change this setting in step 4).Drop the TPdf component onto a form and then select it.Using the object inspector, set the src property to the name of an existing PDF file on your system. Now all you have to do is resize the component and read the PDF file from your Delphi application. Tips: The Adobe ActiveX control installs automatically when you install Adobe Reader.  Step 11 can be completed during runtime, so you can open and close files programmatically as well as resize the control.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How 3 Former PayPal Employees Created YouTube

How 3 Former PayPal Employees Created YouTube What in the world did we do before YouTube was created? Or, rather,  know how to do? Everything from how to put on false eyelashes to the proper way to skin a deer to the chord progressions for your favorite rock songs is now just a click away, thanks to this video-sharing invention by a trio of former PayPal employees. It was February 2005 when Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karin, working out of a garage in Menlo Park, California, debuted their invention. In November 2006, the investors became millionaires when they sold YouTube for $1.65 billion to the search engine Google.   A Virtual Encyclopedia According to Jawed Karim, the inspiration for YouTube came from the halftime faux pas committed by Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, when Janet’s breast was  accidentally  exposed to millions of viewers on live television. Karim could not find the video clip anywhere online, so the idea to found a destination to watch and share videos on the World Wide Web was born. Today, YouTube users can create, upload, and share video clips on the site,, and also embed them for further sharing on any number of non-YouTube pages, including  Facebook  and  Twitter. Not only that, users can access millions of other videos, both amateur and professional, including music videos, how-tos, product reviews, and political rants- even entire movies and television programs. YouTube even has a satellite television station. And its all mostly free, although there is a subscription component that allows you to customize your use. While almost anything goes on YouTube, there are a few things that dont. Content that is sexually explicit, hateful, violent, or that is threatening or bullying will be removed. Likewise, YouTube does not permit spam, scams, or misleading metadata, and they have strict rules against copyright infringement as well. Users are fully able to flag anything they see as inappropriate, and it will be brought to YouTubes attention immediately. About the Founders Co-founder Steve Chen was born in 1978 in Taiwan and immigrated to the United States when he was 15. He was educated at the University of Illinois and after graduation found employment at PayPal, where he met his fellow YouTube co-inventors and co-founders Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. In August 2013, he and Chad Hurley also launched MixBit, a smartphone video editing company. Currently, Chen is with GV (formerly Google Ventures), a venture capital firm that focuses on technology companies. Born in 1977, Chad Hurley received a bachelors degree in fine art from the University of Pennsylvania and was later employed by eBay’s PayPal division (Hurley designed PayPals trademark logo). In addition to founding MixBit with Steve Chen in 2013, Hurley is also an investor in several major sports teams. Jawed Karim (born in 1979) also worked at Paypal, where he met his future YouTube founders. Karim also pursued an advanced degree at Stanford University and is considered the most elusive member of the threesome. He was the first person ever to post a video on YouTube, a 19-second video of his visit to the elephant exhibit at the San Diego Zoo. As of this writing, the video has had over 72 million views.

How to Find the Best AP Practice Tests

How to Find the Best AP Practice Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips As you begin to prepare for your AP exams, you’ll need to consider which kinds of study tools will help you make the most of your prep time and help you meet your target score. One of the most important study tools in your arsenal is the AP practice test. This is true no matter which AP exam you’re taking.In this article, I’ll go over why you should use AP practice tests, what roles they can serve in your studying process, and how to find the best AP practice examsfor any AP. Why You Should Use AP Practice Tests to Study There’s one major reason to use practice tests in your studying: so you become comfortable with the exam. The truth is that knowledge can only get you so far on these exams- you need to be able to parse and package that knowledge the way the College Board wants. You might know everything there is to know about Art History, but if you’ve never looked at an AP question or written a practice essay, you could still be totally blindsided on test day simply because you’re confused by the way questions are written or don't know how to structure your essay. Essentially, studying for an AP exam without looking at a single practice test is like preparing for a bicycle race by reading about bicycles, but never riding a bicycle. The knowledge will help, but riding the bicycle would make you much more prepared. So is looking at this picture making you better at riding bikes or... 3 Ways AP Practice Tests Can Improve Your Studying There are three main waysAP practice exams can make your preparation process more effective. #1: Practice Tests Make You More Familiar With AP Format and Question Styles When you first start studying, looking at practice AP exams will help you familiarize yourself with the way AP questions are worded- both multiple choice and free response. Familiarity will help you understand what kinds of questions will be asked on exam day. I also advise reading the most up-to-date official directions for the various sections; knowing the most current test directions backwards and forwards will help you save time on test day and clarify what tasks will be required of you on the exam. #2: Practice Tests Help You Identify Gaps in Your Knowledge and Skills Once you have a decent knowledge base in the subject, taking an AP practice exam and seeing what you get wrong will help you know where to focus your studying efforts. If you consistently miss questions about photosynthesis, or the Hundred Years’ War, or language listening, you’ll know those are areas you need to focus on. Similarly, if you are rocking the multiple choice but your short answers aren’t so great, you’ll know to work on your short answer skills. #3: Practice Tests Track Your Progress Over Time Taking practice tests and writing practice essays every few weeks/months (depending on your study timeline) will help you track your progress and see how you’ve improved. If you were consistently scoring a 3 two months ago and now you’re always hitting 4's, you’ll know that you are on the right track and that your studying methods are working. If, however, your progress stagnates below your target score, you’ll know that your studying methods aren’t really helping you improve, and you need to readjust. Are you focusing on exam skills when you should be focusing on learning content or viceversa? Is the real problem with time-management? And so on. Taking a practice test is like doing karate except you're sitting at a table quietly writing. High-Quality Practice Tests and Where to Find Them I hope I've convinced you how useful and important AP practice exams are as you study for the exam. Once you've resolved to use them, you'll need to know how to find the best practicetests. What makes a good practice test, and where can you find them? What Makes a High-Quality Practice Test The best practice tests are those that are the most like real, official AP tests. So, same sections, same distribution of topics, same kinds of questions, same question wording. These are the best because they will most mimic the experience of taking the actual exam. Not only will the best practice tests give you the most familiarity with the real exam format, which will make you more comfortable on test day, they will also give you a better idea of how well you will do on the actual exam. Practice tests aren’t very helpful if they don’t actually reflect the real testing experience. In those cases,you’re not really practicing for the exam per se- just quizzing yourself on the topic with some random assessment from the back of a bad prep book. Answer keys are essential- otherwise, how will you know how you are doing? Explanations of the answers are nice, too, although the most official source, the College Board, doesn’t generally include answer explanations for anything other than free-response questions. Where to Find the Best AP Practice Tests I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the College Board has the best AP practice tests. This is because they make the test! So their practice materials are going to be the most like the real test. You can even get old AP tests on the College Board websitebecause they release complete exams every once in a while. Note that,depending on how old the exam is, it might be in an outdatedformat. This doesn’t mean it’s not still useful study material; you’ll just want to make sure you know how the current exam is different, and skip any sections that aren’t offered on the most current exam. How and where can you get official College Board practice questions and resources? Well, there arethree different official College Board sources you can look for. 1, 2, 3; Peter, Paul and Mary...are all looking for practice tests. #1: Sample Questions From the Course and Exam Description Every AP course has an â€Å"AP Course and Exam Description† booklet thatincludes AP practice questions for all sections of the exam. These are a great resource for familiarizing yourself with question styles and the most up-to-date test directions. To get the booklet, click on your desired exam from the College Board’s list of AP courses; scroll down a little on the â€Å"Course Overview† page and you will see a link to the â€Å"AP Course and Exam Description.† #2: Official Released Free-Response Questions You can also getreleased free-response questions and sample responsesfrom many years back into the past. From the College Board’s AP exam information page, click on your desired exam; scrolling down will take you to the released free-response questions. #3: Complete Released AP Exams Complete, previously released exams are much harder to find, but they are out there!In fact, I couldn’t find any official released exams on the College Board website except by Googling. This is probably because the College Board also sells copies of previously released exams, so they don’t want to make it easy to find free released exams. If you want to find complete exams for free, your best bet is toGooglethe name of your exam with â€Å"previously released materials college board† or â€Å"complete released exams college board.† You should then be able to find the â€Å"previously released materials† page for your given exam, like this page for AP English Literature and Composition or this one for AP Chemistry.These pages have official College Board released exams from previous years. Here are the â€Å"previously released materials† pages for some of the most popular exams: AP English Literature and Composition AP Chemistry AP US History AP Psychology AP Biology AP Statistics AP Environmental Science AP Calculus AB AP US Government and Politics AP Macroeconomics You might also be able to find more recent complete released exams posted online by schools or teachers; your Googlesearch should pull these up as well. Sample questions from the â€Å"AP Course and Exam Description† document, old free response questions, and complete released exams: these are all the AP practice question resources available from the College Board. You may have a hard time hunting some of them up, but they are out there! If only there was a map of the vast internet. I'm Out of College Board Practice Tests- What Now? If you’ve answered every official practice question you could get your hands on and still want more, you may want to find high-quality unofficial sources for practice questions and tests. Most prep books have practice questions- and possibly even complete practice exams- in the back of the book. But not all of them are created equally! To help direct you in your search for high-quality practice materials, we have expert reviews of the best prep books for the following AP tests: Best AP Psychology Books Best AP Biology Books Best AP US History Books Best AP Chemistry Books It’s best if you can look in the book before you buy it (or get it from the library!) Compare their practice questions to some of your official College Board resources. Do the questions seem like they have similar wording and formats? That’s a point in their favor. You should also look at reviews of prep books and sites to see what other students have to say about their practice questions and tests. If students felt the practice materials prepared them for the exam, it’s a better bet than a book students have lukewarm reactions to. You might also check out the questions in your class textbook; if it’s a textbook specifically designed for an AP course, odds are the questions at the ends of chapters or in the back of the book track decently well with real College Board material. But still compare it to official materials to be sure. With these tips in mind, you should be able to build a robust library of practice exam resources for your AP studying purposes! AP Practice Exams: Key Takeaways AP practice tests are essential study tools for the AP exam.Practice exams will help you get familiar with the test- its format, the question styles, and the different sections.You can use practice exams to familiarize yourself with the exam, identify gaps in your skills and knowledge, and track your progress and improvement as you prepare for the exam. The best AP practice exams come from the College Board: they have sample questions, old free-response questions, and complete released exams. Beyond officialresources, compare practice tests from unofficial sources to official College Board exams and look for reviews to find the most high-quality material. The bottom line is that liberal use of AP practice tests as a study tool will help you meet your target score,so you should be using them! Especially because there are so many free, official resources available out there. Shine on, you AP diamonds! If you get overwhelmed, just initiate Blanket-Wrapped Dog Protocol. What's Next? Wondering when to start studying for your AP test? Read our guide and wonder no more! Maybe you'd also like to knowthe average scores for every AP exam to help you set your target score. Taking the SAT? See our list of the best SAT prep books, updated for the new 2016 SAT! If the ACT is your exam of choice, seeour list of the best ACT prep books. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: